Tuesday, June 26, 2007

He Dwelt Among Us And We Beheld His Glory

Hosea had to marry Gomer in order to understand what it was like for God to seek out and wed Himself to the people of Israel. I suppose I’d have to marry a harlot in order to comprehend what it was like for Jesus to invite me to the alter. From eternity the Son awaited His Father’s order. When time was full, the heavenly Father declared, I have a bride for You. “Where is she Father? What pure companion awaits? Have you created another Adam and Eve, another Garden of Eden? Where is this pure, undefiled fellowship You have chosen for the Son of God?”
God pointed towards the rebellious planet. He pointed at the people who had eaten the forbidden fruit. He pointed at the people who had danced around golden calves. He pointed at those who had made pleasure their greatest passion. He pointed at all the people who had sold themselves cheaply and thoughtlessly for a quick dime or a cheap thrill. He pointed at pornographers, drug pushers, pimps, and felonious prisoners. He pointed the self-righteous, the self-absorbed, the lukewarm. He pointed at corrupt government leaders. He pointed at people who harbored private sins. He pointed at you and me.
There is your bride, Son. Go, take for yourself an adulterous wife
So the Word became flesh...

-Allan D. Wright, in Lover of My Soul

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