I always considered myself somewhat of an artist even before I found a medium. In my search, I first found that in order to be an artisan, you must have the vision of what is to be created and the patience to craft it into being. A painter will not produce a master piece if he does not first have a love of color, of detail, of how to capture life on canvas. I had no time for such detail; I had not the passion for brush strokes and what strange colors came from accidental blending of magenta and amber.
And then I serendipitously happened upon a love of writing and with it, the passion that just might be enough to produce something of worth. I set about the patient work of endless reading, vocabulary building, note-taking, compiling, and then the painstaking writing process of each composition. This morning while I laid wrapped face up in starch white cotton, I was thinking of adjectives for the word auspicious when I felt the Spirit move through the floating montage of words above me.
The God of Isaiah 45 drew close and spoke quietly the way lovers speak into one another. He knew my passion to write and my desire to speak into more people’s lives than I could possible meet and know. He came reminding me again that He is the source of truth and insight I had left unsought. It occurred to me immediately that He is the Author of the greatest literary work in History that comes alive in different ways each time it is read. It is timeless, powerful, relevant. No scribe has plummeted it’s depths; no mortal or spirit has learn to wield the full force of it’s truth. It is for children, scholars, the broken and the proud. Men walk backwards through the snow into forbidden countries to take it to humble villages knowing the Word will bring a life so powerful they are willing to risk their own. God is truly the Master Author. He impressed upon my heart that He will give me words and truth that I could not find anywhere if I search the libraries of the world.
Yes. And his Words are such that if they are denied you (or if you deny yourself his words), then it may only be descibed as famime (Amos 8:11.)
Make your words a feast, I say!
Did I say Famime?
(Typing too quickly).
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