Monday, February 12, 2007

The Depth

The rest of your life waits to be altered. The world waits to see how you will reflect the glory of God. Ok, maybe they don’t know to hold their breath yet—but God is. So what you need to now ask is, if you are willing to be transformed by the beauty of God into who you need to be. I don’t care if the idea of becoming more womanly is appealing to you. I want to know if you are willing to be alone with yourself, to sit with your pain, and brokenness, and faults, and to give that awareness to the Holy Spirit who only uses it to bear you up. I want to know if you are willing to invest in godliness, the way that other people haven’t, so that you can be a rich and rare haven in a world where other people are shallow and busy and selfish. You’re ministry is urgently needed, and beyond that, it is irreplaceable. Don’t move past this thought too quickly. Think for a moment what irreplaceable means, of times in your life when you have looked into peoples eyes and really understood the depth of this concept. Your ministry to the world, of who you are, is irreplaceable.

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