Sunday, August 26, 2007

To Walk Among The Beautiful

Since I am writing full time, I have no money. I have never not had money for this long, and I have found it to be...surprisingly nice. Instead of meeting for coffee, I meet friends for walks. Preferably at night, and sometimes in the rain. We drive into the mountains and hike. I jump into quarries with my sisters. My consumerism is wearing off, and that is good. I am glad to be cultivating a taste for the simple and quiet things of life. This summer has been full of walking among the beautiful things of the world and then continuing on and leaving them behind. George Santayana was this amazing philosopher/poet type who wrote a lot on aesthetics, and he once wrote this: “I like to walk about among the beautiful things that adorn the world; but private wealth I should decline, or any sort of personal possessions because they would take away my liberty.”

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